In the past, many health care providers completed different assessments of integration, such as the Maine Health Access Foundation tool (MeHAF) through their Accountable Community of Health (ACH) or a managed care organization (MCO).
The purpose of these assessments was to determine levels of integration within a practice and identify where coaching support may be needed. However, without a standard assessment tool, providers may have been completing different assessments for multiple stakeholders on different timelines, and information may have been inconsistent or redundant.
To address these issues and support assessment coordination, the Health Care Authority (HCA), ACHs, and MCOs worked together to identify a standard assessment for clinical integration for outpatient primary care and behavioral health clinics. The Washington Integrated Care Assessment (WA-ICA) is the result of that work.
The WA-ICA Assessment Tools
The WA-ICA includes two companion tools, one tailored to primary care and one tailored to behavioral health (mental health and substance use disorder) settings. The tools will help providers track, measure, and advance their clinical integration progress across a set of domains.
- View the primary care assessment tool
- View the behavioral health assessment tool
Please also note the following:
- Providers may seek to align with ICA domains.
- Currently, no organized cohorts while efforts are made to align ICA with other initiatives (multi payer, making care primary)
Interested in advancing your integration efforts?
Contact Dr. Tawnya Christiansen, Behavioral Health Medical Director at CHPW to explore ways to advance your integration efforts [email protected]